Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
This program provides opportunities for children to grow in their faith through instruction in Catholic beliefs and Traditions, participation in prayer and an understanding of how to live their faith each day. Faith Formation is the best gift we can hand down to our children. At your child’s Baptism, each parent accepts the responsibility of training their child in the practice of the Faith. The Church teaches that the parent’s role in the formation of Christian values in their children is irreplaceable. Our program aims to assist in this responsibility of passing on the teachings of Jesus Christ revealed through His church.

First Confession

First Communion

Religious Education & EDGE
Children's Religious Education
Classic Catechism Classes taught in person under the direction of Sister Rosann Fernandez of the Religious Teachers Filippini order. Offering Kindergarten through 8th grade curriculum.
For more information about the Religious Teachers Filippini see the following link:
Teachers link to Circle of Grace Lesson Resources
For more information about the Religious Teachers Filippini see the following link:
Teachers link to Circle of Grace Lesson Resources